How to Open a Jar!

Do you ever struggle with opening a jar? I do all the time! You can’t just wait for someone who could to materialize in your kitchen and force it open for you, right?

I have 2 simple hacks for you to solve this problem.

The first one, is your rubber kitchen gloves. You probably already have a pair and if not, you can easily buy them. The non-slip kind with the grippers are the best to reduce any chances of the jar slipping from your hands. The pair below is great! I also like that it has a built-in scrubber. Two birds with one stone!!

If that style is not for you, try this other pair of gloves featured below. The arms also have a non-slip design so water and soap wouldn’t sneak inside the gloves and get you wet.

This hack works well with smaller jars, ones that you can wrap your hands around the lid comfortably.

The second hack will work on MULTIPLE lid sizes and is available in several colors.

I personally prefer bold and bright colors to quickly spot the item I need in the drawer.

I like this gripper because I can put more force with less effort in twisting the lid while using it. Also, if you have any hand issues that can get in the way of you twisting the jar lid with your hands, this gripper will do most of the work for you. This method is best for those with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and similar health conditions.

You shouldn’t waste your time struggling to open a jar! Now we can focus on what’s inside 😊

Travel Light

How to Prevent Overweight Luggage Surprises at the Airport

I wish I would fly out of town more frequently….. Something about the excitement of packing and going to visit with family or friends that I haven’t seen for a while. Or maybe it’s the thrill of exploring a brand new vacation destination. 

No matter where I’m going, I have this little obsession of over packing! I don’t want to have to run to the store on vacation to buy anything! I want it all with me from the start. When the kids were younger, the packing obsession was on steroids. I wanted to make sure that they had anything and everything that they may want or need while we’re away.

There is just one little issue that we came across when flying, we haul our luggage, get to the check in counter at the airport, and of course some bags are over the 50 pound weight limit and some are under. We scramble to take out from this bag and place in the lighter bag. All while other impatient travelers behind us are huffing and puffing until we get every bag within the weight limit allowed. We finally get on with our trip and the same thing happens on the way back. This always embarrassed and frustrated me.

Or you could be one of those travelers that don’t want to deal with the headache of moving stuff around. You just end up paying the overweight fees which I hate doing!

This is now a story of the past. The present and the future hold a much less stressful ticket counter interaction for me and my family. We bought this amazing handheld digital luggage scale which is the size of a small remote control. It has an interchangeable hook and strap. You turn it on, attach the hook or wrap the strap around the bag handle and lift for a couple of seconds until the weight is recorded.

The best part? You stick that scale in your bag and travel with it so there would be no surprises on your return trip.


This little handheld scale has made preparing for travel so much smoother and less stressful for me. We just weigh the bags after packing and move stuff around carefully and pack it the way we want at home. Trust me, there is no discreet way to move stuff around from one bag to the other at the airport!

I am sure that you will love having this light affordable scale and once you use it, you will wonder how in the world you traveled without it before!!!

Now you go to the airport and not have to display the content of your suitcase to the entire airport!

Easy Baked Salmon

I’m very busy and the day doesn’t have enough hours for me to do it all. Time is very valuable and I also like to serve the kids healthy meals. Such a challenge to make a quick healthy AND tasty dish! But wait, here’s an exception that even my picky eaters are excited when I make it!

This Baked Salmon dish has only 3 ingredients, takes lessthan 10 minutes to prepare and about 30 minutes to bake. It also has my kids’stamp of approval 😊

Click here for the full recipe.

This recipe is enough for about 8 servings. I like to make last for two nights. If we end up eating seconds then I have a salmon salad for lunch the next day! 😉

How Can I Keep My Face Hydrated in the Winter?

Having combination skin can be a very confusing problem to deal with. In the summer your face is oily and in the winter parts are oily and parts are dry. If you can relate to this, then you are here to finally find a solution.

After struggling with this for a long time and trying many products that vary in price, some are drug store brands and others are high end products. I finally found the hack!!

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How do I make my kids eat healthy food?

Kid Friendly Hamburger

I want my kids to eat food that they love in taste and that I like in nutrition…. that can often be tricky! A big favorite in our house is my hamburgers. Don’t allow the main ingredient in this recipe to change your mind about how tasty and delicious these burgers are.

One day, I decided to play a little so I pureed fresh spinach leaves and mixed it with ground beef. They not only ate it, but also LOVED IT! I finally broke the secret ingredient to them and they were shocked.

Now they always ask me to make burgers when they’re having friends over. The funny thing is that after they’re finished eating, they would turn to their friends who have really enjoyed their burgers and ask if they can guess what’s in the burger. There are always looks of shock and disbelief from the sweet unsuspecting friends after the truth is out. That fact still never deters them from eating it or requesting it when they return to our house.

After I shared that recipe with several of their parents by popular demand, I wanted to share it with you so you can enjoy a delicious juicy burger that is also kid approved!

Click on here for the recipe and don’t forget to share it with your friends!!