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Would you say that you have a “Fixed Mindset” or a “Growth Mindset”? My response was growth mindset of course, duh! Then I read Mindset by Carol Dweck and WOW! I was far away from a growth mindset that it shocked me.

I grew up with a typical fixed mindset and didn’t realize it until I started reading this book. Many of us believe that a few around us are born with talents. Athletes, artists, even successful businessmen and women. They just have the brain for it…… Wrong!

It took me by surprise to find out that someone like Michael Jordan wasn’t the star of his team when he was growing up. The book Mindset was written in such an interesting way to grasp your attention and capture you to keep turning the pages. It gave examples of many celebrities that fall under both types of mindsets.

The challenge is to use this book to your advantage as an eye opener and improve the quality of your life and become more successful in any aspect. There are 4 topics discussed in Mindset and I am sure that you will relate to at least one if not all of them. These topics are: Parenting, Business, School and Relationships. I would love for this book to be a part of training to each teacher. It will bring up more confident and talented young men and women in our communities.

Whether you’re a parent, an entrepreneur, a student or a parent of one, or in a relationship, you will love and definitely benefit from reading this book. After you finish this book, I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

Happy reading!