Baked Salmon

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8 servings

  • Salmon (around a 2 pound fillet)

  • 3oz Spicy brown mustard

  • Dill

  • Capers

  • salt


-Heat oven to 400 F.

-Line a baking dish with foil and make sure to leave extra to cover the salmon (see picture below).

-Place the salmon bottom side up and sprinkle salt and dill then add half the mustard.

-Rub to coat and make sure to get the ends and sides.

-Flip the salmon and repeat.

-Finish by sprinkling the capers on top. (In my house, one kid eats the capers and the other pushes them to the side!)

-Fold the extra foil to over the salmon to cover it and bake at 400 F for about 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 10 more minutes.