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Welcome to Rx Girl Hacks! My name is Marianne and I have a passion for helping others. I am a mom and a pharmacist that is always trying to find a perfect balance between work, family and hey, some fun too!

I hate to waste….. time, money, energy, you name it! Any minute that I save is an additional time for me or my family to use. I love to cook and serve my children a healthy meal that is also delicious to their taste buds. But who has time to do that? Here at Rx Girl Hacks you will find some recipes that are simple, quick and picky kid approved. My favorite thing to do is to sit in a coffee shop or in a cozy spot and immerse myself in a good book. Some of these books had a life changing effect on me and I will share some with you as well.

With so many blogs why would you follow this one? At Rx Girl hacks, I will promise to share with you hacks and ideas that will make a task, chore or a routine quick, simple and easy to accomplish and with a better result. . I will share a hack to help you organize around your house, a recipe, a product that you will love and much more. We will knock our struggles with one hack after the other.

Make your day simpler!